A Simple Detox Diet Menu from the Detoxification Diet

February 22, 2010

Diets & Nutrition

To live in a polluted environment, breathing an air that is as polluted, eating food that is contaminated with pesticides and hormones and at be healthy at the same time, it is impossible. This is the conclusion which we get every time we think seriously about our way of life and adopting a detoxification diet.

Celebrities who promote this diet look great and say they feel the same way as they would have followed a regular detox diet: Kim Wilde, Madonna or Carol Voderman. Toxins are actually substances that adversely affect the body and overall health.

Rapid weight loss, improving cellulite status, eliminating the sensation of bloating and improving the appearance of the skin are just some benefits that are brought by this detox diet menu. Supporters of this diet say that our body is permanently exposed to a continuous absorption of toxins from: pollution, cigarette smoke, pesticides, food additives, alcohol, caffeine or inadequate nutrition. As these toxins are deposited, there are a number of health problems appear such as overweight, cellulite, headaches, fatigue, bloating, low immunity, low sex drive, infertility, ovarian cysts, allergies, depression, constipation, pain and a general state of discomfort.

The detoxification diet helps eliminate these harmful substances from the body, and the result is to improve the general tone, lose unwanted weight and a faster recovery of some existing health issues. Detoxification itself involves several aspects ranging from following a diet organic rebalancing, to conducting sauna sessions, therapy massage or colonic irrigation.

The detox diet menu: food choices with a low toxicity level

There are a number of permitted and forbidden foods in the detoxification diet. Prohibited foods are dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, caffeine, salt, sugar and processed foods. Here are some food groups allowed for breakfast, lunch and dinner while on the detox diet.

Several variants for a detoxifying breakfast could be: boiled oat germs, fresh fruits, musli with fresh grapefruit juice or a fresh fruit salad.

For lunch the following choices could be considered: vegetable soup with wheat germ or oats, salad with raw pumpkin seeds, boiled rice with a raw salad, tzatziki with raw foods, fresh avocado with lettuce and lemon juice, potato baked in the peel, vegetables.

Dinner could consist of one of the following items: vegetables stew, grilled vegetables with lemon juice and garlic grits, fresh vegetable juice, celery salad with walnuts.

Besides the fact that it can meet the nutritional needs of the body without any problems, a detoxification diet has a number of benefits: it normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol, cleans arteries and dermal appearance, it gives you energy and sexual vitality, easy digestion, good memory and an increased concentration capacity.

And all those benefits obtained from a vegetarian diet is explained by the increase in the amount of vitamins and minerals consumed; it helps strengthen the immune system, keeps bones strong, helps digestion and reduces body weight to normal. Are these real and potential targets? Absolutely, try it and see. You can only win by following a simple detox diet menu. Just eat the right detox foods and your health will only benefit.

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