Stop Emotional Hunger: Eat Only When You are Really Hungry

July 7, 2010

Weight Loss Quotes

If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution.~Author Unknown

The simplest thing you can do to make sure you lose weight is to eat only when you are hungry. Saying it is unfortunately a lot easier to do than actually doing et. But don’t despair. I will give you an awesome way to stop emotional eating that is also easy to do.

The first thing you must do is analyze the two types of hunger. Emotional hunger is very different than natural hunger. Think of a time when you are 100% certain that you felt emotional hunger. How did it feel and manifest itself? Now think of a time when you are 100% certain you felt natural hunger. What was its manifestation and how did it feel?

Write on a piece of paper all the differences between the two. Make sure you do this exercise while you are not feeling any kind of hunger. If you feel hungry, please satisfy it so you can get accurate results.

Once you know exactly how emotional hunger manifests itself and how real hunger does you are in a better position to distinguish between the two. Each time you feel the need to eat something pause for a second. Think to yourself: is this emotional hunger or real hunger. Using the distinctions between the two find out which on it is.

If you realize you are feeling emotional hunger put if off some time. Don’t cave in. In case the emotional desire to eat something is too great, you can a low calorie food not the food you are intensely craving. Fruits are great candidates for quenching your emotional hunger because they are sweet.

In case you feel real hunger, you should eat some healthy food. It can be a healthy snack or a full blown meal, what count is that you don’t starve your body. Starving your body is unhealthy and it makes it a lot easier to gain weight. By starving yourself you slow down your metabolism by forcing your body to burn its muscle mass for energy. This is never good and should be avoided.

Now that you are armed with this piece of insight, all you have to do is apply it. Knowing and doing are two separate things. Take a piece of paper and do the exercise. After it is done tell me how it went in the comments below.

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