Tag Archives: compulsive eating

Compulsive Overeating Is the Most Common Vice

July 19, 2010


Gluttony is not a secret vice.~Orson Welles We all know that taking drugs is bad. Most of us stay away from them. We all know that drinking and smoking is bad. Most of us still do it because it is so darn fun. But when it comes to eating too much, even compulsive overeating, we […]

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Stop Emotional Hunger: Eat Only When You are Really Hungry

July 7, 2010


If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution.~Author Unknown The simplest thing you can do to make sure you lose weight is to eat only when you are hungry. Saying it is unfortunately a lot easier to do than actually doing et. But don’t despair. I will give you an awesome […]

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Get Rid of Compulsive Eating as an Emotional Escape

July 7, 2010


Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.~Peter De Vries Compulsive eating is a sign of strong unresolved emotions boiling under the surface of your conscious mind. Those emotions tend to eat you alive, and you in turn eat lots of food to balance them out. That is not the way to […]

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Causes of Overeating: 5 causes of compulsive overeating

February 2, 2010


Who doesn’t want a slim and attractive silhouette? Some of us have a good metabolism, which gives intensify the body’s burns and not to gain weight, while others keep their figures by going to the gym and trying to keep as balanced a diet as possible. Despite all this the scale doesn’t fail to show […]

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Compulsive Overeating: how to stop overeating

January 29, 2010


You often feel the need to overeat. Are you aware that they are very harmful to your body? Have you ever wondered what triggers these mad cravings to overeat? You feel somehow guilty for the fact that you can’t control them? How about it, would you feel much better if you found out that the […]

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How to Stop Emotional Eating: breaking free from emotional eating

October 5, 2009


Many people try to bury their feeling under a huge pile of food. The only thing that they succeed in accomplishing is getting fat, losing their health and becoming even more miserable. If you are a frequent emotional eater you have to break free from emotional eating. It doesn’t help you at all. Your feelings […]

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