Tag Archives: eat little and often

Eat Slowly If You Want To Lose Weight and Avoid Overeating

July 21, 2010


Take twice as long to eat half as much.~Anonymous Weight loss and eating slowly are very good friends. When you eat slowly you avoid overeating which is always good for losing weight. The slower you eat the less food you eat, which means less excess calories for your body to burn. But what makes eating […]

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Eat Less Food to Be Healthier and Happier

July 21, 2010


Feed sparingly and defy the physician.~James Howell You need to eat to survive, but you don’t have to eat excessive amounts of food. Like anything else, too much food is bad for you. Especially for your health. If you aren’t a serial dieter, I bet you are overeating at each and every meal you have […]

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Eat Little and Often To Lose Weight Faster

July 21, 2010


My wife is a light eater. As soon as it’s light, she starts eating.~Henny Youngman To lose weight you don’t have to starve yourself. You have to eat little and often if you want to lose weight. This way you will never be hungry. But this method has a flaw. It is too darn easy […]

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