Tag Archives: energy

High Energy Food Secrets: get more energy from your food

August 9, 2009


If you feel tired at the end of the day, lacking energy you should eat more high energy foods. Drinking a glass of red wine and eating a piece of chocolate won’t cut it. If you feel drained at the end of the day read on to find out how you can squeeze more energy […]

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How You Can Get Your Daily Necessary Energy

July 8, 2009


If you want to survive your stressful daily life look no further than in your own plate. With a little help you’ll learn how to add more refreshing energy on your plate. Breakfast: fill it up 1.Choose to eat slow digesting glucose. After a long night’s fast your body needs fresh new energy which you […]

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Your Lifestyle Affects Your Energy Level: not exercising & sleep

June 23, 2009


The more of a potato couch you are the lower energy level you will have. This is not a myth. This is the truth. I know this because I used to be a couch potato and when I started exercising I felt more energetic all day long. When I take a break from exercising I […]

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Foods That Eat Up Your Energy Level

June 23, 2009


Believe it or not there are foods that lover your energy level if you eat them. If you want to be more energetic you just have to stay away from them. The symptoms of tiredness that you feel, especially when the seasons change, might have multiple causes: physiological related to the levels of hormones in […]

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Recharge Your Batteries by Eating Energy Packed Foods

June 23, 2009


If you feel a lack of energy then you need to recharge your batteries. One great, fast and easy way to recharge your batteries is by eating food that helps replenish your energy. There are true energy bomb foods that blast a wave of energy in your body. Your brain and body gets nourished and […]

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Eliminate Stress with Tai Chi

June 11, 2009


Get rid of stress and learn to keep your mind body and soul balance. Tai Chi is a form of martial arts that revitalizes and calms you by improving your blood flow. The daily stress is eliminated by a short Tai Chi exercise. Tai Chi stimulates your immune system and the energy of your body. […]

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Fruits Are The Best Healthy Dessert

June 3, 2009


Besides having a high water contents, between 70% and 95%, fruits are also rich in carbohydrates. That is why by eating a fruit you can satisfy your desire for sweets. The health benefits of fruits should also be taken into consideration. The main reason that should motivate you to reach for an fruit instead for […]

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Energizing Foods: get more energy and eat healthy

May 28, 2009


You get energy from several sources. The thirst thing I think of when it comes to getting more energy is a big cup of coffee. I know it isn’t that healthy but I guess society has left its mark on me. Coffee is good for energizing you but you cannot drink gallons of coffee. Coffee […]

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Advice for a balanced healthy nutrition

May 27, 2009


A healthy nutrition is a balanced one. If you will adopt a healthy alimentation, you will be able to eat any food. Moderation is the key to a successful healthy nutrition. You can eat any food as long as you don’t eat too much of one type of food. Fill your plate with colors Red, […]

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3 energizing exercises to start your day

May 21, 2009


Most people when they wake up in the morning feel a crushing desire to oversleep. Sleep seems most appealing in the morning. We get up for a brand new day and what better way to start a day then with some light physical exercises that will energize you. Put on some energetic music and let’s […]

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