Tag Archives: overeating help

Overeating Healthy Food Can Make You Fat

September 28, 2010


Eating mostly healthy food is a big step towards losing weight. But if you eats heaps of healthy food you won’t lose weight. You will only get to eat a lot more food and stay fat. Not a result you desire. Regardless how healthy a food is it contains calories. And eating more calories than […]

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Eat Slowly If You Want To Lose Weight and Avoid Overeating

July 21, 2010


Take twice as long to eat half as much.~Anonymous Weight loss and eating slowly are very good friends. When you eat slowly you avoid overeating which is always good for losing weight. The slower you eat the less food you eat, which means less excess calories for your body to burn. But what makes eating […]

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Obesity is Taking Over the World

July 20, 2010


Obesity is really widespread.~Joseph O. Kern II According to a recent report, in more than half of the United States the obesity rate is over 25%. This is an all time high and a bad indicator for what is about to come. If 10 years ago the highest obesity rate was under 20%, today it […]

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Compulsive Overeating Is the Most Common Vice

July 19, 2010


Gluttony is not a secret vice.~Orson Welles We all know that taking drugs is bad. Most of us stay away from them. We all know that drinking and smoking is bad. Most of us still do it because it is so darn fun. But when it comes to eating too much, even compulsive overeating, we […]

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Overeating Help: Overcome Overeating To Lose Weight

July 11, 2010


Bigger snacks mean bigger slacks.~Author Unknown If you are plagued by a gigantic appetite and if you are overweight, you have to overcome overeating if you want to lose weight. Overeating is one of the most unhealthy eating habits that you can have. If there could be just one thing you could do to make […]

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