Vegetarian Teens: should teenagers be vegetarians

There are many types of vegetarian diets; the most common are vegetarians, who include eggs and milk but not meat, and vegans, which eliminate any form of animal products. Young people, who are vegetarians, may get enough nutrients from the vegetarian food, except iron. A normal level of iron is particularly important for teenagers. Iron requirements for both girls and for boys who grow between the ages of 11 and 18 years.

It is important to want to achieve an adequate level of iron from meat, chicken, fish, which is absorbed easier than other sources. However, iron absorption from iron rich plants, can be improved, by eating them along with iron rich food, fruits or fruit juice with a high concentration of vitamin C.


Vegan vegetarians are vulnerable to deficiencies of several nutrients, especially vitamins D and B, calcium, iron, zinc, etc… Like all essential nutrients, these vitamins and minerals are needed to maintain growth. Teens need calcium to store. The richest sources of calcium are milk and milk products. Bone growth through a balanced diet, including calcium is necessary because it could limit your chances of developing osteoporosis later.

So even since adolescence, we can plan a healthy and filled of energy adulthood through lifestyle and nutrition. In conclusion teenagers I believe should eat healthy food and create healthy eating habits that will give their body all the nutrients it needs.

If you want to get more iron form your food you hsould read How To Get Your Daily Recommended Iron Intake: high iron foods

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