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Severe Depression in Teenagers Linked to their Appearance

July 19, 2010


For a long time now it has been obvious to scientists that appearance maters, especially to teenagers. But the direction they were researching it was one sided at best. When it comes to appearance, the closer you get to a person the more defects or qualities you can identify. Even gender can sometimes only be […]

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Obese Teens Have Double the Risk of Premature Death Studies show

July 16, 2010


Obese teens that enter adult life while being overweight have double the risk of premature death. Researchers studies some 5000 military personnel age 20 to 80. They have found out that within all age groups, overweight and obese people had a greater risk of death. The frightening result discovered was that obesity in young adults […]

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Is Soft Drinks Consumption What Causes Obesity

July 10, 2010


Is soft drink consumption what causes obesity? That was the question posed by the American Beverage Association. Members of the association include Coca-cola, Pepsico Inc and Dr. Pepper. The question was posed after demands were made to increase taxes on soft drinks as an effort to stop the obesity epidemic Soft drink consumption is responsible […]

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Parents Commonly Misdiagnosed Childhood Obesity

July 8, 2010


Recent studies show that the growing rate in childhood obesity and therefore future adult obesity and several other heal problems is caused by ignorant parents. 71% of all the parents participating in the study misdiagnosed childhood obesity as being normal or even underweight. And people wonder why children are fat and getting even fatter. It’s […]

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Preventing Childhood Obesity Causes thru Neck Size

July 7, 2010


Studies show that by measuring neck circumference doctors can better determine if a child is obese or overweight. The new method gained the attention of researchers when confronted by the problematic results used in spotting childhood obesity by calculating the kid’s BMI ( Body mass index). The problems arise because children are still growing and […]

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Dangers of Diet Soda: Is Diet Soda Bad for You and Your Kidneys

June 30, 2010


There are many dangers associated with drinking diet soda. People who drink daily at least 2 types of diet sodas (with artificial sweeteners) have a doubled the chance to prematurely contract kidney failure. Specialists from Brigham and Woman’s Hospital, a study institution associated with Harvard University did a research study using approximately 3000 women test […]

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The Short Unhealthy Foods List

June 30, 2010


Most of our daily unhealthy foods have a negative effect on our bodies, even if some have a less perceivable effect on a short term basis, in the long run we still end up suffering their effects. Foods should be considered risky or even dangerous if they are full of empty calories. For example foods […]

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Bullies Like To Bully Obese Kids Studies Show

May 3, 2010

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Bullies roam each and every school and it seem they like to pick on obese kids. A recent study showed that obese children had a 63% higher chance of being bullied by their peers. It seem that even though over 30% of all children have weight problems, bullies still like to pick on them. You […]

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Diabetes and Childhood Obesity are Linked

May 1, 2010


Today’s young generation is getting fatter and fatter. This is due to their unhealthy lifestyle. The days of home cooked meals and lots of play time in the backyard or in the park are long gone. Nowadays eating huge fast food meals and laying at the computer all day long is the norm. That is […]

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Child Obesity: how to help your child lose weight

February 12, 2010


Child obesity is sweeping across the world. The obesity rate among children under 18 years is very high in some countries exceeding even the number of cases of obesity installed in adulthood. Moreover, lately doctors begun to diagnose children with diseases that are mainly found in adults – many of these diseases are associated with […]

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