Weight Loss Surgery Can Be Deadly

May 5, 2010

Weight Loss News

Many people are opting for the quick weight loss method of surgery. They just don’t want to struggle with exercising and dieting. Getting the right eating and lifestyle habits s too much of a hassle for them.

Initially weight loss surgery was prescribed only to those obese people who were so fat that conventional weight loss methods could not help them. They could barely move and dieting proved really inefficient in their case. Nowadays it seems that doctors looking for a quick buck are willing to operate just about anybody willing to pay.

All you have to do to get a weight loss surgery is sign all the papers relinquishing the doctors of any responsibility. Few are aware of the fact that there is a 1% mortality chance for those undergoing gastric bypass surgery, according to the New York University Medical Center. That is too high of a chance in my opinion.

The experts at the center say that majority of people can and should lose weight by dieting and exercising. There are just a few extreme cases that require weight loss surgery. If you are just a little overweight please don’t opt for surgery. It’s like trying to kill a fly using a bazooka.

Besides if you opt for weight loss surgery and you don’t change your eating habits and lifestyle there are plenty of chances of getting fat again. You would have spent all that money and suffered the surgery pains for nothing.

Before you opt for weight loss surgery take into consideration all the risks. The entire procedure is very risky, no doctor being able to guarantee you will survive. There are lots of thing that can go wrong during your operation of after it.

For most people the old weight loss method of exercising more and dieting is still the best way to ensure the healthiest weight loss possible. Don’t seek the quick weight out of your fat, choose the healthy one that will benefit you the most without endangering you life.

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