What is the Fit For Life Diet Plan?

February 21, 2011

Diets & Nutrition

American writers Harvey and Marilyn Diamond had the principles of natural hygiene and food combining in mind when they created the Fit for Life Diet. This eating plan is based on dietary recommendations to eat only fruits in the morning, avoiding animal proteins and living predominantly on high fiber food.

The premise behind the Fit for Life diet is that fruits metabolize without the need for digestive juices, unlike animal proteins which require acids to digest, and starches which require bases to digest. Proponents of the Fit for Life Diet assert that improper food combination results in food decaying inside the digestive system, further adding to the accumulation of toxins in the body.

Specific food combinations are eaten in combination throughouth the day at specific times, with the claim that this results in improved energy and a natural weight reduction.


Fit for Life 2 Food Groups

The Fit for Life diet categorize foods into two groups: The Dead, and The Living foods. The dead foods supposedly clog the body, while thi leving foods are the ones that cleanse it. Here are their basic points:

  • Only fruit should be consumed from the time one wakes up to noon.
  • Fruits should be eaten alone and not with any other food.
  • Lunch and dinner can consist of either carbohydrates and vegetables or proteins and vegetables, but never carbohdrates and proteins.
  • No dairy foods should be consumed.
  • Water should never be drunk at meals, it is believed to dilute stomach digestive juices.
  • One day each week is a cheat day where one can consume whatever he wants.

The Skinny

There is no scientific basis that food combining auses weight loss or assists in weight maintenance. Since they aren’t based on valid nutritional principles, they make eating well more complicated than it should be. Diets like this, which restrict healthy foods, and insist on combining foods at certain times a day make them that much more difficult to follow.

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