The Cabbage Soup Diet Plan: plus the cabbage soup diet recipe

The cabbage soup diet is one of the few weight loss diets in which the more you eat the more you lose weight. Unbelievable right?! Unfortunately while on the cabbage soup diet you don’t really have many choices when it comes to what to eat. Basically for 1 week your main food and almost only food is cabbage soup.

The cabbage soup diet recipe:

The ingredients: a couple of medium sized onions, 2 green or red peppers, 1 medium sized cabbage, tomato sauce, salt, pepper and spices you like, a couple celery leafs, hot pepper(if you like spicy food), and parsley.

Clean and cut all the ingredients to the desired size. Put them all in a pot with water. The water should cover all the ingredients. You boil the cabbage soup for 10 minutes at a high temperature after which you boil it at a small temperature.

When the cabbage soup is done you can eat as much as you want during the cabbage soup diet. It is quite nourishing and fairly tasty.


The cabbage soup diet plan: How to keep the cabbage soup diet

It is recommended that you keep the cabbage soup diet for 7 days. At the end of the 7 days, if you haven’t cheated you can expect to lose between 10 and 14 pounds. Here is what you eat on each day:

  • -Day 1: besides cabbage soup you can eat as much fruits as your heart desires. Drink lots of water too.
  • -Day 2: eat cabbage soup, raw vegetables and drink lots of water. Avoid eating vegetables like beans, peas, potatoes or corn.
  • -Day 3: you can eat as many fruits and vegetables as you wish. Of course you eat lots of cabbage soup too.
  • -Day 4: you eat 3 bananas and cabbage soup. Don’t forget the water.
  • -Day 5: you can eat 800 grams of boiled or grilled beef or chicken meat, with lots of cabbage soup and water.
  • Day 6: you can eat boiled rice besides the old familiar cabbage soup.
  • Day7: grilled fish and lots of cabbage soup.

A warning: if you notice you are losing weight too fast in the first days stop the diet a couple of days. Then you can go back on the cabbage soup diet. Losing weight too fast isn’t healthy and good for you.

I recommend you don’t keep this diet for more than 1 week. If you wish to lose more than 14 pounds you should take a 1 week break and go on the cabbage soup diet again. You shouldn’t use this diet more than 3 times in a row.

Do you know other cabbage soup recipes that can be used in a cabbage soup weight loss diet? Write them down in the comments below. Thank you.

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