Warm up routines: an essential part of every workout

April 8, 2009

Exercise & Fitness

Warm up makes or breaks a workout. For an efficient and accident free workout you need to warm up. If you want to avoid muscle aches and pains and eventual accidents that might hurt your body on the long run then warming up is a must. If during the first part of a workout you suffer any muscle strains or you have strained your ankle it more than possible that you have been a victim of a poorly executed warm up.

The purpose of warming up is that of preparing the body for the intense physical activity that will follow. Warm up consists in rhythmic continuous moves that exert you major muscles. The purpose is that of raising your body’s temperature and the stimulation of the cardio-respiratory and neuromuscular system. Also the metabolic energy gets stimulated in the process of warming up. The warm up physical exercises should be intense enough to make you heart rate increase towards the end of the warm up.


How to warm up for aerobics

The warm up for the traditional aerobic lasts for 5 to 10 minutes. But the length of time the warm up routines take is going to be different depending on the type of aerobic activities that you will do and their intensity. For warm up you could do some walking, lateral paces, lifting your knees or any other movements that have a small impact. Avoid the movements with a high impact and strain on your body like running or jumping.

How to warm up for jogging

If you like jogging you should start every jog by walking and increasing the speed gradually. Start moving your hands gradually, making them contribute to the warm up. It is recommended that before you start warming up your lower back to execute some stretching movements for the muscles and joints.

How to warm up for squash and tennis

Start with a light run on the tread mill or on the side of the tennis field. You should run for a couple of minutes keeping a moderate speed. After that warm up your ankles, knees, your lower and upper back, neck and hands using some light warm up movements that are rhythmic, continuous and progressive.

Now you are ready for fitness or any other physical activity

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